As always feel free to ask questions in this thread, we will address them all during the live show!
Question1-Last one should be IPD instead of IDP ?
That’s right! It should read Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), good catch!
yes, that’s correct. typo, we’ll fix it!
Hello from Chicago!
Hello from Detroit!
If you have any questions from Question #1 or #2 feel free to drop them in the thread and we will go back to those questions!
concerning question 2, if the owner never asked the architect for the recommendation, would it have not been the architects responsibility?
should the architect told the owner they wouldnt want to provide a recommendation to avoid liability?
Good Q! We’ll go back to this after we finish up question #4
why are we subtracting 1? is that for overhead rate?
Will bring this up to Garric!
For the Question#2: I did not get either, why would the Architect is liable for a recommendation? Owner hires the surveyor directly, and Owner should be liable with the results. Kinda confusing for me. Please explain one more time briefly. Thanks
Will do, we’ll go back to this question!
What was the book reference for 4c again?
I’ll bring this up to Garric soon!
Professional Practice: A Guide to Turning Designs into Buildings by Paul Segal
Paul Segal’s Professional Practice a Guide to Turning Designs into Buildings book