Shading Devises /placing a building

Hi all.
I’v read a lot in many resources about Shading devices placement ( Vertical or Horizontal) for the four climate zones and many resources . Lots of these resources are either overlapping or ( in some cases) differ from each other …!
Let’s discuss Temperate Climate Zone , For example and the what is the best way to shade a building on all Sides ( S,N,E,W) and what type of Exterior Shading for each side is the best strategy in this climate zone (or others). This topic is great to know about for practice/exam and it is great also for the energy code. Thanks

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In general, no matter the climate zone, shading devices will be vertical for E and W sides, and horizontal for S side (N side in Southern Hemisphere) due to the path of the sun in the sky. N side (S side in Southern Hemisphere) does not need shading devices because all sunlight coming in that side is indirect and therefore does not have the solar radiation of direct sunlight.


trying to decipher the concept here, Yes vertical shading is good for east and west but we also read in HCL and MEEB that vertical fins are the worst and louvers are better pointing towards north or south depending on the need. Also, there is mention that horizontal overhangs are better for east and west. Have to find those pages to post here.