I just passed CE, Construction & Evaluation, and I’m not sure which test to take next. Does anyone have any advice for me? I am thinking PDD, Project Development and Documentation…
@coachdarionziegler do you mind helping @clifford.marvin with this?!
Hi @clifford.marvin ,
CONGRATULATIONS on passing CE!! Way to go.
Have you take Project Management and Practice Management yet? PcM, PjM, & CE all rely on the AIA contract documents and Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice more than the other three tests, so if candidates aren’t going in order of the exams I usually recommend taking those together!
PA, PPD, & PDD roughly follow the design phases of a project. PA covers topics you would look at predesign & schematic design, PPD looks at items you might cover in design development, and finally PDD looks at items you might see during the construction documents phase. So, I usually recommend taking those in order and spending some time studying for both PPD & PDD together before taking either test as there is a lot of overlap.
That being said, if you feel like you want to tackle PDD next go for it! There’s no right or wrong way and you have to decide what works best for you.
If you’re on Facebook we have an ARE study group and this topic has come up a few times.
If you join the group the links below will take you to a few discussions candidates have had about testing order:
Hope this helps! Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist with.