What is the best way to study AHPP, AIA Doc B201 and A201?
I’ve read them over many times. Highlighted and underlined, and took notes on the margins. It is a lot of info. The exam seems to test us on how we would apply the info to certain construction scenarios, but the real exam questions are not as straight forward as the practice exams.
I thought I got it down, but when it come to the real exam, it took me a lot more time reading and discerning the exam questions to figure out what the question is talking about. I only remember feeling like my brain is going to explode with the way the exam questions are framed.
I am not sure if you already have the Navigating the ARE with AHPP:
and for all exams:
" … will serve as a road map of the book, to help readers maneuver through the book per the six divisions of the ARE 5.0; Practice Management , Project Management , Construction & Evaluation , Programming & Analysis , Project Planning & Design and Project Development & Documentation .
For contracts I re-read and re- listen multiple times Schiff Hardin Lectures