According to NCARB is it the architect’s job to confirm bidders have received the addenda? Also if the lowest bidder comes in over budget are they allowed to withdraw their budget?
*not budget - bid. Can the bidder with draw their bid
This is my first ARE Live and I take this exam on Monday! This is super helpful!
assume DBB
It’s a little tricky but addenda is one of the best 3 answers to that question. The Project Resource Manual notes (5.122) that addenda are issued to clarify, add to, or delete information from procurement documents. Therefore, I’d say if the addendum affects the information contained in the project manual, it would be part of the project manual.
So glad it’s helpful! We hope you’ll start joining us every month even if the topic isn’t specific to your exam. ARE 5.0 has so much content overlap so we hope these are useful regardless of what your next scheduled exam is!
What is the “Project Resource Manual” ?
The Project Resource Manual: CSI Manual of Practice. The 2005 edition is an NCARB reference
for the PjM exam.
That makes sense. I appreciate it.
Later in AHPP 10.8, it states that “The documents may need to be modified during the procurement period. These modifications are issued as addenda. An addendum can modify the drawings, the project manual, or both” - which helps clarify it a little further.
Glad we could help! I agree this is a tricky topic. I’d also take a look at some project manuals at your office and just familiarize yourself with their content - it’s always great to see these types of materials first hand.
That’s a common PjM and PcM topic - how the fee percentages by phase change with the use of BIM. It’s helpful to know that owner’s might have some pushback when the SD and DD phase fees increase - they’d typically prefer to backload the architect’s fee for cash flow purposes, and also because if the project doesn’t get built, they’ll have spent less money on an unrealized project.
Will Programming be “add service” ?
It is either an additional or supplemental service (depending on if the owner and architect agree before or after signing the contract). See AIA B101-2017, section
Super helpful! Thanks all!
My exam is this coming Thurday!
Good luck! If you have any questions prior be sure to post them in the community!!
The explanation Mike gave regarding Project Manual was super helpful. That was one thing that I had a hard time understanding through all the readings of materials.
When/where will a recording of the webinar be posted? I’d like to go back and re-listen to Mike’s explanation regarding project manuals.
We’ll post the recording of this ARE Live episode tomorrow at this link: ARE Live Podcast - Prepare for the ARE | Black Spectacles
Thanks for joining us!
Chris - I’m seeing conflicting information elsewhere regarding whether or not addenda are considered part of the project manual. Per AHPP pages 704-705, we know that the addenda get incorporated into the contract documents at least by the time the owner-contractor agreement is executed. However, there is nothing that specifically states that the project manual, itself, gets revised when addenda are issued.
jhsiao had a similar comment during this particular webinar.
Can you (or another expert) please help clarify exactly how and when addenda are incorporated into the procurement documents? Is the project manual revised, or are addenda only made after the project manual has been issued?
I appreciate your help.