Conflict between different consultant 'drawing, who is supposed to change

ppd exam -2MC there is a question about if there is conflict in drawing between lighting and HVAC in the main entrance area, what action to take.
is there a rule of thumb in this type of question ? would that always be the HVAC to adjust to lighting in the public areas?
In the video , this was also discussed vaguely when there is a conflict between fire suppression ,HVAC , light etc .

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Hi! I think I had the same question on my practice exam too and I picked the plenum answer and got it wrong. But I believe of the answer is rooted in the fact that its the design that’s bigger issue here. The lighting is for the lobby so it’s more important, you would see the lighting as a user, but maybe you wouldn’t see the duct in the design (it’s more than likely hidden in a plenum).

Another way I think you can look at it is the idea that there are “several” light fixtures and one return duct, would you rather find a new home for all of those light fixtures or find a way to reroute one duct?

I’m curious to hear what the @Coaches think about this.

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Hi @Shikha and @xurubi ,

I think you’re on the right track regarding the lighting design taking precedent in a public lobby. If it was a back of house area it’s likely re-working the lighting would be less of a concern as it is not a public facing design element.

@coachchrishopstock can you please look into this and let us know if you have any additional insight?


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Hi @xurubi thanks for the question, and thanks @Shikha and @coachdarionziegler for the responses!
There’s no rule of thumb for this type of question - it’s testing your ability to weigh certain factors and make a value judgement. If the question prompt says something like ‘the HVAC ducts are already installed and schedule is of utmost importance to the owner’ then I would consider moving the lights in order to accommodate the conflict. If it says that nothing has yet been installed and that it’s a highly visible space (like a lobby) I’d consider rerouting the ducts if possible to accommodate the lighting design.