Are there certain chapters of the IBC that should be reviewed prior to the exam?
Hi @allison.vanheugten ! Our expert architect @coachdarionziegler will be able to provide insight.
Hi @allison.vanheugten ,
The ARE 5.0 Handbook doesn’t list the IBC or “Building Codes Illustrated” as references for the CE exam in the reference matrix.
However, I would still take a quick look at a couple of things for refreshers. In particular, I would do a quick check of Chapter 7 regarding required separations and fire ratings. I might also take a quick peak at Chapter 14 regarding exterior walls. CE tends to be concerned with water proofing in particular.
Objective 2.2 states that you will be expected to, “Evaluate construction conformance with contract documents, codes, regulations, and sustainability requirements”. This is the objective I think most relates back to code. I would check out the sample items within the handbook for Section 2 objectives and see how some of them can relate back to the code.
Does anyone else have any recommendations of IBC chapters to study for CE?
Hope this helps!
Thank you Darion!
Even though the IBC is not on the handbook reference I found that the questions I get incorrect on the practice exams reference the IBC.
I actually looked through those chapters this morning so Im glad I was on the right track.
Thanks again!
No problem @allison.vanheugten .
Good luck on your exam!