This might be more of a technical issue, but I wanted to put this here in case anyone else had the same problem. When taking the practice exam AND when reviewing my answers, an exhibit just never appeared.
I thankfully got it right on a guess ( ), but as this topic is one I struggle with a bit, it would be nice to be able to see the chart I would’ve needed for the question.
Hi @dabe ! Thanks for reaching out and I’m sorry for the technical issue you experienced.
Can you please send me a private message with more information about this practice exam question (content of the question, screenshot)? The questions shuffle each time, so it likely won’t appear as Question #16 again and I’ll have a difficult time finding it. Alternatively, you can email this information to so that we can get the issue resolved. Please do not post any screenshots of paid content publicly to this forum.
Thank you!
Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles