PJM Form 1 Question 16: Exhibit Didn't Show Up

This might be more of a technical issue, but I wanted to put this here in case anyone else had the same problem. When taking the practice exam AND when reviewing my answers, an exhibit just never appeared.
I thankfully got it right on a guess ( :slightly_smiling_face:), but as this topic is one I struggle with a bit, it would be nice to be able to see the chart I would’ve needed for the question.

Hi @dabe ! Thanks for reaching out and I’m sorry for the technical issue you experienced.

Can you please send me a private message with more information about this practice exam question (content of the question, screenshot)? The questions shuffle each time, so it likely won’t appear as Question #16 again and I’ll have a difficult time finding it. Alternatively, you can email this information to support@blackspectacles.com so that we can get the issue resolved. Please do not post any screenshots of paid content publicly to this forum.

Thank you!

Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles