Adaptive reuse cost main driver

What is in your experience the main cost driver for an adaptive reuse project? I read some sources that place the structure as a large cost given that the bldg. may be in a bad shape and must be retrofitted to sustain current code requirements. What about MEP or making the building accessible? Thanks.

Hi @mingo.draft ,

I think the main cost driver of adaptive re-use likely varies from project to project. If you encounter a question like this on the exam try to use the context. If the question mentions structural upgrades I think it’s likely that those will be the main cost driver. Of course, what you are changing the project from to will also influence costs greatly. It’s pretty easy to turn a school into an office building but another ball game to turn a school into residential apartments.

Structural systems are often one of the most costly items for new-build projects. When you add in the difficulty of working or reinforcing existing structure in-situ costs can add up quickly!

MEP can get quite expensive, in particular if no existing routes for mechanical systems exist. Simply upgrading equipment is one thing, but putting in all new ductwork and chases can be pain and can cause significant costs to be incurred.

I would expect accessibility to have lower costs associated with it than the building structure and systems in most cases. Often times there are work-arounds for accessibility work in historic buildings as well.

I found this blog that does a great job explaining cost drivers of adaptive reuse.

Do any @Coaches have first hand experience in adaptive re-use costs? I’ve done projects like this before but don’t have any of the original construction budgets handy to give an exact example… If I can hunt one down I’ll follow up on this post!

Hope this helps!

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