Construction Manager

Can you please explain the difference between both circled diagrams?
I understand it is a CM delivery method, which could be either adviser or constructor, but why is there a relationship (line) between the CM and Architect, doesn’t the architect get hired by the owner in both cases?
Thank you

Hi @ylouka ,

The architect will be hired by the owner in either a CM as constructor or CM as advisor type project delivery. In CM as agent the architect might be hired by the CM. I think Mike was perhaps focusing more on diagraming how communications might work in this lecture – I know it has given me pause in the past.

I recommend checking out as the best and most accurate resource for understanding project delivery and contract relationships for each type. I know I spoke about this link a few times during the workshop and spammed the chat with it, but I really do think it’s the best resource I’ve found for understanding project delivery!

Hope this helps!

Thank You

Thank you so much for this link. I’m finding a bit of a discrepancy between this and Figure 9.3 of The Architect’s Handbook - which doesn’t show the moment in which a constructor contract is determined for the CM-advisor delivery method.

Hi @jamiejang , thanks for writing in!
CM adviser is kind of a quasi-delivery method - note that AHPP (15th edition, p. 702) specifically says that CM adviser is not a delivery method per se. Instead, CMs who act as an advisor to the owner can be a part of plenty of delivery methods - DBB, DNB, DB, etc. All it means is that the owner has a separate entity, with whom they have a contract, who advises them throughout the project.
Because of this - AHPP figure 9.3 can’t show when the contract for construction is determined with a CM-adviser, because it can vary.
I hope that helps and good luck on your next exam!


That helps a lot - thank you Chris. Interesting that the SC and $ are listed in CM-advisor but C is not. Anyways, you clarified it for me - thanks!