The correct answer states that ordinary window repairs don’t require a permit, then uses the reference per Chapter 3, section 3702 (a).
I have looked and looked and I can’t find the reference any where. I went through all the case study 1 reference material and nothing.
Can you please tell me where this reference comes from?
@monicafitzpatrick can you have someone look at this one too, it is been 20 days since I posted this issue?
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Hi @PurpleHair sorry for the delayed response.Let’s get those questions answered. @heatherrivera or @coachbryanhadley do you mind answering this question?
I believe the case study you are referring to is the one dealing with the existing building located in Brooklyn. If this is the case, check out the reference document “NYC Landmarks” and scroll to page 46. This is Chapter 3, Section 3-02 Repairs, Rehabilitation and Restoration. The first item states “(a) Repairs. Deteriorated windows can often be repaired and made sound and fully operational. A permit is not required to undertake ordinary repairs including…” and then lists things that are included to be changed without a permit. Cracked glass, damaged sills, and the lack of weather-stripping fall under one of these categories.
Hope that helps! Be well!