Mock Exam question PJM - Why Design Contingency can be part of Cost of Work Estimation

in this question, while i understand the contingency for change of work is incorrect, B101 article 6 does not state that design contingencies are allowed to be part of the cost of work. Please explain why. thx

: A project manager is preparing an estimate of the cost of work for a project that is nearing completion of the schematic design phase.

Which of the following statements regarding the cost-of-work estimate are true? Check the three that apply.

May include contingencies for changes in the work
Incorrect. While design contingencies are included, contingencies for changes in the work are not included per article 6 of AIA B101.

May include design contingencies
Correct. Contingencies and various other factors may be considered in the architect’s estimate, per article 6 of AIA B101.

Hi @vincent.c.lee, thanks for your question!

Going a little further into Article 6 of the B101, you will see that § 6.3 states “In preparing estimates of the Cost of Work, the Architect shall be permitted to include contingencies for design, bidding, and price escalation…”

The contracts are very wordy and can be difficult to navigate and it is easy to miss crucial pieces of information like this. As you are reading through these, I recommend highlighting key points and taking notes in a way that helps you easily reference the big takeaways of each article/section (i.e. bullet points, diagrams, charts, etc.).

Another tip: if you click “Ctrl” + “F” you can search for key words in the PDF (i.e. ‘contingencies’) and quickly find what you are looking for. Try this out while you’re studying, and definitely utilize this feature on the exam with case study resources!

Hope this helps - Happy studying!

Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles