I need help understanding the practice exam question below. The answer explanation doesn’t make sense to me.
During the programming phase, you develop, together with your client, a comprehensive space list for the project you are designing. Before approving the start of the Schematic Design phase, your client wants an estimate of how much the project will cost. You estimate that for this project type in this location, a good estimate is $250 per square foot. In order for you to calculate an estimate based on price per square foot, you need to know the gross building area for the project.
What is the estimated gross building area for this project?
The chart gives you a total net area of 11,470 SF. The efficiency factor for office buildings 50%. The answer says to multiply 11,470SF *.5 = 5,735 SF. then add 11,470 + 5,735 SF = 17,205 SF (gross).
Wouldn’t you divide “net assignable” / .5 overall efficiency factor = building gross area per problem solving pg. 101?
11,470 SF (net) /.5 overall efficiency = 22,940 SF (gross)