Tips on using the calculator

Need tips on using the calculator in he exam

Hi @soniaparisca_2000 ! Thank you for your question.

Page 68 of NCARB’s ARE 5.0 Guidelines has a great overview of how to use the on-screen calculator.

Aside from clicking on the numbers and math symbols on screen, you can also use the keys on your keyboard if that is easier for you.

Personally when taking the exams, I used the calculator in conjunction with the whiteboard. It was helpful for me to make note of what each calculation was referring to when working through an item, especially in those long-winded equations. You can also resize and move these tools around your screen as you see fit.

I recommend you check out our Black Spectacles practice exams, as the interface exactly matches the ARE 5.0. You can practice using the calculator and see what processes work best for you. It will help you become familiar and comfortable with the exam tools prior to test day.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Happy studying!

Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles

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Thank you Kiara,


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