CE Practice Exam 1 submittals Question

Hi I hope someone can help clarify why mock ups are considered a submittal in this question?
I thought based off of CSI Manual of Practice Module 7.5 Submittals that mockups and field reports are considered quality assurance items and that submittals only included product data, shop drawings, samples deign data, test reports, closeout submittals.

While preparing for construction phase services, an architect reviews their contract with the client to become familiar with the expectations for the phase.

Which of the following are examples of submittals? Check the three that apply.


Correct. Submittals include drawings, diagrams, schedules, samples, mock-ups, and product data including brochures, cut sheets, and other data to illustrate the work.

Shop drawings

Correct. Submittals include drawings, diagrams, schedules, samples, mock-ups, and product data including brochures, cut sheets, and other data to illustrate the work.

Cut sheets

Correct. Submittals include drawings, diagrams, schedules, samples, mock-ups, and product data, including brochures, cut sheets, and other data to illustrate the work.


Incorrect. Specifications are in the project manual or in the drawing set.

Field reports

Incorrect. Field reports do not belong in submittals.

General conditions

Incorrect. The general conditions are in the project manual, not the submittals.

Are mock ups a submittal?

Hi @malicea !

This is a great question! Unfortunately, I don’t have access to the CSI Manual of Practice but I have always understood that mockups can be a form of a submittal and they’re typically used to verify a sample in a submittal. For example, I’m working on this currently during CA phase on a Transportation & Maintenance Facility. We’re installing a concrete sealer and prior to us approving the product, the contractor is going to have a mockup done in the field that I can look at. It’s not really possible for him to submit a sample of the product without mocking it up in the field, hence why he’s submitting it for approval this way. I hope this helps!


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@malicea You are correct - however, mockups and other QA items can be submittals when they are required by the specifications. This question doesn’t allow you to make such an assumption, but by process of elimination, you can rule out the other options and select this one.