Strategy to face infinitum complexity?

Hi @ussbea! I hope you are doing well. Thank you for your questions, and I sincerely apologize for the delayed responses.

I understand your frustration, as the ARE covers an overwhelming amount of material and it can be stressful/intimidating to study everything you will potentially be tested on.

The Black Spectacles videos are intended to set the foundation for your studying. They align with the NCARB objectives outlined in the ARE 5.0 Guidelines and content is derived directly from NCARB’s recommended resources. This ensures that you are studying the right things needed to pass the exams. The videos are designed to be used in conjunction with other materials: lecture slides (to structure your note-taking), quiz breaks (to test your understanding real-time), flashcards (to practice active recall), practice exams (to test your knowledge and become comfortable with the exam format), and virtual workshops (to collaborate with others on the most difficult ARE topics).

We do our best to create practice questions that exemplify the content, format, and rigor you will see on the ARE. Remember, the ARE does not test your memorization of terminology and facts; rather, it is crucial to understand how different concepts could be applied to various scenarios. Take the content from the videos and go even further - dive deeper into source/reference materials, connect it to your work experience, spark discussions with peers, ask your supervisor questions. Rounding out your knowledge in these ways is key to gaining a deep understanding on the content.

In answer explanations we provide for quizzes and practice exams, please note the small text at the bottom where specific reference material/page numbers would be noted.

The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice (AHPP) is the primary resource for PcM, PjM, and CE (while also covering some topics from PA, PPD, and PPD as well) and is key for diving further into topics presented in the videos.

To answer your questions related to the referenced study materials:

Evaluating Risk of Projects: In addition to the project type, there are other factors that contribute to the level of risk a project may have (i.e. client history, project delivery method, contractor reputation, etc.). As noted in the Quiz Break 10 answer explanation, refer to page 997-1000 of AHPP (15th Edition) for more information about this. Also, following the “Managing Risk” section referenced in the video, it proceeds to “Evaluating Risk” and explains these factors mentioned in AHPP.

Deductible/Insurance: I’m not sure exactly what your question here is, but both examples provided in the Quiz Break 3 and Practice Quiz Question #41 calculate the deductibles and insurance coverages in the same way. They define the deductible as the amount you pay before insurance kicks in. After that amount is paid, insurance will pay the remaining amount up to the policy limit. Insurance and related terminology can be confusing, but note that these terms presented in the videos and quizzes are basic insurance terms (not specific to architecture and the ARE), so try to connect it to insurance you see in your real life - car insurance, medical insurance, etc. all have deductibles, premiums, and policy limits.

Current Ratio: It has recently come to our attention that there was a minor discrepancy in this Virtual Workshop presentation, and I’m sorry we didn’t catch it sooner. Current Ratio = Total Assets / Total Liabilities (per “Firm Financials: Balance Sheet” Black Spectacles video and AHPP page 418). The most recent instructor addressed it in this follow-up post.

Again, I am sorry it has taken so long for us to address these questions, but I hope you still find them useful.

Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.


Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles