CE Practice Exam - Need clarifications


I just went through practice exam #1, and would love to get clarification on the a few questions.

  1. While the correct answer notes the flush control should be on the open side of the fixture, this dimension of the toilet paper dispenser does not seem correct either. The minimum height should be 15" AFF per ADA guidelines. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  2. What is the proper definition on “record drawing”, and who is to supply them? In AHPP’s glossary, “record drawing” can used interchangeably with “as-builts”. Quoting from the book, record drawings are “construction drawings revised to reflect and represent the actual conditions of the project as it was constructed, usually based on marked-up prints, drawings, and other data furnished by the contractor to the architect.” However, AHPP also mentioned multiple times that the Architect can supply record drawings to the Owner as part of additional services. Will someone please elaborate the distinction between the record drawing and as-builts, and which one should be supplied by Architect and/or Contractor?

  3. I got confused by the last line item that talks about the intended construction type on the project. Is this statement a clarification to Contractor (in this case would make sense to deliver via an ASI), or a modification to the Contractor (in this case would require an action like change order)? It’s difficult to know which of the two scenarios this lie in because there’s no additional clue in the question. Please advise.

  4. I got confused on this question because of the keyword “enclosed”. I tried to look for this information in AHPP as indicated in the explaination; however, I had no luck. To my knowledge, a building is not enclosed or lock-able until openings are installed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  5. I’m having difficulty understanding why Answer #1 would not be a correct answer in addition to Answer #3. Since the Contractor fails to perform after 14 days, which is well past 10 days as outlined in A201 provision 2.5, wouldn’t the Owner also have the option to terminate the contract for cause per provision (Contractor is guilty of substantial breach of a provision (Provision 2.5)?

  6. Please see highlighted area. Will someone please clarify if an RFI can include recommended or proposed solutions by the Contractor as part of their question to the Architect? Wouldn’t a submittal or shop drawing be more appropriate to bring up Contractor’s proposed means and methods? Based on my experience, RFIs are only used to submit questions, with no proposed solutions or sketches. Please correct me if otherwise.

  7. Please see attached screenshots of the correct answer and exhibit provided by the case study. Since the Architect just received the submittal, that means the storefront has not yet been fabricated or installed at site. Would this status still fulfill eligibility to receive partial payment even if construction process is under 50%? Should the Contractor be paid at all in this case, or would they still receive payment that address all of their pre-construction coordination and shop drawing production time?

Phew that was a handful, but thank you so much in advance for your help!

Looking forward to hearing your responses!

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Hi @samantha.lee

Thank you for these great questions. I sent you an email about posting screenshots in the ARE Community. I have sent the images to our expert architect so he knows what you are referring to.
@coachglennparks do you mind helping Samantha?

Hi Samatha,
Here’s some replies to your (7) questions:

  1. See ADA Standard ANSI 1117.1 Section 604.7.1 …18" min except when the exception is applied 15"
  2. The terms are often conflated. Most contracts require the General Contractor to keep a copy of the Construction Documents on site during construction. This is referred to as the “job site copy” and the GC is required to note any changes to these drawings during construction. For example, issued bulletins or informal changes required as means and methods. The idea is to signal visitors to the project, inspectors, owners, CA people, who see something different than shown in the drawings that a change has been noted. At the end of the project, the GC sends the “AS BUILT DRAWINGS” to the Architect for review. If the owner requires RECORD DRAWINGS as part of services in the Owner/Architect contract, the Architect incorporates the notes from the AsBuilts into a set of RECORD DRAWINGS. These are not typically sealed as they represent somethings other than designer original design intent. Sometimes review of the as-builts reveal items requiring further explanation/documentation/resolution before final acceptance is recommended by designers (architects and their consultants) to the Owner.
  3. I don’t have the question. Please copy and paste the full question. Typically, however, ASI’s do not impact time or money so they don’t require a Change Order (which is a change to the contract in terms of money and/or time).
  4. I don’t have the question, but consider “enclosure” in terms of keeping weather (rain) out.
  5. Please copy the full question and answers you refer. It may be instructive to consider the answers in terms of how you would advise the owner. What’s in their best interest? What’s in the best interest for all?
  6. Often it is useful for an RFI to include a proposed solution or course of action since they typically arise from a circumstance not understood well in the field. The designer doesn’t have to accept the solution, but it will often inform the nature of confusion. Not all RFI’s involve Shops or shop drawings.
  7. Sorry, I cannot see the screenshots referenced. One thing to consider may be if there is a line item in the pay application for shop drawings. Why should you, as architect, recommend partial payment?

Hope this helps,

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Hi coachglenn,

Thanks so much for replying. I was told that I cannot share screenshots of the questions so they were taken down. Sorry about the inconvenience. I’ll type out the questions for clarifications if that is allowed? @monicafitzpatrick

Re #3: During the construction of a senior living facility, the architect needs to provide the following information to the contractor:

  • The paint color in the main dining room shall be Washed Sky #44566.
  • The scuppers shall be 6" high and 10" wide.
  • The contractor shall refer to the attached drawing showing the location where the delivery vehicles should enter and leave the site.
    - The building’s construction type shall be V-B.

My question here is on the last statement. It seems unclear to me if this is a modification to the project, or a simply a clarification. Thus I was debating if this information should be issued as Architect’s Supplemental Instructions, or a Change Order. What are some tips to easily read between the lines?

Re #4: Thank you for the clarification. I’m able to understand the question better from your response.

Re #5: The owner declares the drywall work to be inadequate. The owner has served the contractor with a letter stating that the work is not acceptable and must be redone. The contractor fails to act within two weeks. Based on the AIA contract document A201, what should the owner do?

My question here is the indicated time frame as two weeks, 14 days. I can understand your point in your answer. Do you recommend, in this scenario, even though the Owner has the option to complete the work or terminate the contract, it’s better to take the answer with the least damage?

Re #7: The architect has received the attached pay application on the same day that they received the storefront submittal. Based on the information in the pay application, how should the architect advise the owner to proceed regarding the pay application? (In an accompanied exhibit, the Continuation Sheet is showing “Storefront” to be at 50% completion.)

Correct answer: Ask for a revised payment application with a revised, lower payment for the storefront
What I picked: Pay the amount excluding the storefront

My question here is on the completion progress of storefront. Since the storefront has not yet been fabricated or installed at site, how much payment should the subcontractors be entitled with?

Thank you so much for your help!

Hey Samantha,

Thanks for following their instructions about the screenshots and taking the time to type out the questions.

Re: #3 Typically, the architect will complete the Building Code Summary information and declare the construction type as part of the Construction Documents. The BCS info will be needed for the building to get initial permit, so it is odd that the last statement is added flatly without qualification. V-B is least restrictive and doesn’t jive well with the life/safety of a senior living facility. So, I would tend to think it would be a major change (involving money/time ergo CO) instead of just a reminder or advisory note. Paint color could be ASI. Scuppers may or may not involve additional cost. If no cost, then could be ASI …as the architect may have omitted dimension. Delivery location is ASI.

Re#5 Yes, I see what you mean. It seems like the way it’s put, the Contractor is not wiling to act in a timely way. If the contractor is not responsive, would you think it reasonable to stop work on the job until it’s corrected or scheduled to be corrected? The architect would need to verify that the work is not in accordance with the contract documents.

Re:#7 Sounds like 0% payment until the storefront is approved, installed. I don’t see in the information where the owner has received any tangible value. If this is the case, why recommend the Owner pay anything?


Thank you for your explanation.

As a follow up question to #7, if I follow you correctly, then would you say a better answer would be to “pay the amount excluding the storefront”, rather than “ask for a revised payment application with a revised, lower payment for the storefront” since the storefront portion has no tangible value up until this point of receiving the Application of Payment?

Yes :+1:.
Have a great day Samantha!

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