CE Practice Exxam 1 Case Study Question

Hi I hope someone can help clarify the answer to this case study question, I don’t know if it’s a mistake or I really don’t get the question. This is based on question #64 or the first question of Case Study #1:

The town intends to obtain LEED certification for the transportation hub as a LEED transit project.

Which of the following items must the contractor provide in order for the project to be considered for certification?

Excavation management plan

Correct. Per the transit scorecard, a demolition waste and excavation management plan is required to be in place.

Water metering

Incorrect. Water metering is an optional item on the scorecard and would be provided by the owner.

Outdoor water use reduction

Incorrect. Outdoor water use reduction is an optional item on the scorecard and would be provided by the owner.

On the scorecard I noticed that Outdoor water use reduction was listed twice, once as required and once as worth 1 point. I chose Outdoor water use reduction as my answer. Was this a mistake? Or am I still misunderstanding the question?

Hi @malicea !

Thank you for your question! I took a closer look and it looks like both the excavation management plan and the outdoor water use reduction are shown as required and outdoor water use reduction is shown twice like you mentioned. Thank you for pointing this out to us, I’m going to tag @coachchrishopstock so he can work with our team to correct that. Thank you again!


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Hi @malicea thanks for bringing this to my attention!
There’s no typo in the LEED document - that is the same document published by the USGBC.
I do understand your confusion and have updated the answer explanation - the reason outdoor water use reduction isn’t the best answer here is that this isn’t something that the contractor necessarily provides (like they do an Excavation management plan) but rather something that they build according to the contract documents.
Thanks again for participating on the community and good luck on your next exam!

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@coachchrishopstock Thank you for explaining!

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Thanks @coachchrishopstock !