Exam and practice quiz phase percentage discrepancy

In the practice exam a question (PDD test 2 #79) states that a project using BIM is broken down as follows:
SD 20%
DD 40%
CD 25%
CA 15%

Then in a practice quiz a question asks: An architect is developing a new assisted living residential project. The architect would like the team to work as efficiently as possible to maximize the profit. Which phase of the project should have the longest schedule?
The correct answer shown is for CDs.

These two answers seem at odds. How can DD be 40% and CDs be the longest in another instance? Is this true of BIM projects that the phase percentage is so different? Or is this related to the program?
The quiz question does not assume or deny the use of BIM so I’m not sure.

Any ideas what is correct here?

Hi @relempago !

Thanks for your question! The answer on the practice quiz question is related to the design delivery, not to the program. If you reference page 649 in the AHPP, there is a chart that compares BIM delivery design phases to Traditional Design-Bid-Build where you can see the percentages in each phase are different.

The question doesn’t state whether BIM is being used or not, however I think it’s safe to assume that the delivery method will be one of the standard delivery methods shown on page 516 of the AHPP. If the team is hoping to work as quickly/efficiently as possible to get the job completed they may be using CMc. However, in any of these delivery methods it is most efficient for the design team to allocate the majority of their hours to the CDs. Thanks!
