Formal/ Informal Agreement Critical Elements

Question from practice exam 1:

Whether an architect and a client make a formal or informal agreement, three critical elements must be established.

Select the three that apply.

The first guess on this question, in my understanding of the priority, was for:

  1. Project Delivery Method
  2. Project Scope
  3. Project Timeline
  4. Project Fee
  • As a general logic, should the scope of the project be set before the project delivery method?

  • Since we only have 3 options to choose, I gave up the last on the list, the Project Fee.

The actual element to cross out should have been the Project Delivery Method.
Incorrect. The project delivery method will be defined in the contract between owner and architect later.

After reading the explanation on this, I still don’t know how to think about the Project Delivery Method. I guess an additional thought would be really useful.


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@heatherrivera would you be able to chime in on this question?

I think that I need to clarify the previous post. I sounds pretty vague.

My question is how come the Project Delivery Method is not the main priority while establishing an agreement?

Or in other words, is the project’s scope the first criteria to think about when starting a collaboration; and only later, the architect would suggest different delivery methods?

I hope this makes more sense.

Hi @Oana,

Thanks for the thoughtful question and clarification.

Project scope is going to be your first and foremost important element. Before we can start anything, what is the project? Then we must ask ourselves two equally important questions: how long will it take to do this and what will it cost (are the timeline and fees realistic)? Once we can establish these, we can start formalizing an agreement. In a formalized agreement, we will begin to look at the Project Delivery Method.

In other words, before we can consider how to go about delivering the project, we need to understand the scope and constraints of the project.

I hope that begins to make a bit more sense! Keep up the thoughtful questions!
