P&A Practice Exam Form 3 - Q21

What is the maximum distance the project can be from the transit stop to qualify as a TOD? Enter the answer in decimal format.

What is the correct answer? I answered 0.5 but was marked as incorrect.
And then appears as the correct response is One-half mile, or about a 10-minute walk, is the maximum distance a project can be away from a transit stop.
Can someone advise?

Hi @thinlinegroup.llc! Thanks for reaching out. I am having trouble locating this specific question in the PA Practice Exam Form 3. Is this from an older version of the practice exam?

To align with NCARB’s retirement of quantitative-fill-in-the-blank item types from the exams, we recently removed these types from our practice exams as well. While the ARE and our practice exams will continue to require numerical responses, they will be formatted as another item type (i.e. multiple choice).

Check out this website for additional information abut Transit-oriented development (TOD).

Hope this helps. Happy studying!

Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles

Hi Kiara.
It was my mistake.
The question is #21 from Form 2. I took that practice exam on July 28th.

Hi @thinlinegroup.llc - thank you for the clarification. We will be adjusting this question so that it is not a quantitative-fill-in-the-blank. I apologize for the confusion this may have caused, and appreciate you bringing it to our attention!

FYI - I deleted your other comment on this post thread, as we do not allow screenshots of paid content to be shared.

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance to you.

Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles

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