What is the difference between an Issued for construction vs a permit set?

I’m trying to figure out when and where in the design process an Architect submits for a permit, at 50% percent completion or at 100% percent.

Hi @ronel and thanks for your question! This is discussed often, and varies somewhat by municipality. I’d be interested to hear what others find to be typical where they’re practicing!

Drawings that are submitted for permit should be as complete as possible, and should be ready to be used for construction. The 2018 IBC lists the minimum requirements for a submission to the AHJ - see section 107. In practice, some firms will submit drawings sets (at around 50% CDs) that contain all of the information required in section 107, but don’t contain, for example, tile layouts or other items of this nature. The reason for this is that the period for AHJ review can then overlap with the period to finish the construction documents, saving time on the overall project schedule.

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Thank you for that clarification.