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Could we use a different color for Tension and another for compression? It’s hard to follow with all one color.



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good idea! diff colors


What would the construction classification for a pre fab steel building be?

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From Mike’s response, it sounds like best practices for placing the rebar is putting it closest to the tension side of the wall.


Hey There!


I think it depends on more factors than just ‘pre-fab’ steel. For example, what sort of fire proofing exists? Is the building entirely pre-fab steel, or is there wood construction or other combustible construction anywhere?

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Apologize the late question from question 2: The right side top of the base would be in compression so why would we have rebar there?

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that is great to hear. Black spectacles has been the closet experience to an exam so I am happy hear that you are modifying it to the new features coming up


That’s correct. The answer, B, shows the rebar along the top face of the base because the left side is in tension, but the rebar stretches the entire base. The bottom of the base also has rebar on the right side because that portion would be in tension.

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not to get in the weeds here but… not everyone has the option of testing from home so many of us still have to go through the test center experience and now have the added stress of using a “new” technology (the equivalent of MS Paint, from what I understand), new testing format (not being able to access questions after breaks) and new scoring (less questions means each question is weighted more heavily). I’m responding not too call you out, just clarifying why I’m pretty surprised that this was not even glossed over by Marc when he brought up the new exam.

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i understand the vertical and the bottom but the right side was confusing

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No fire protection mentioned, just the steel building, girts, metal panel walls ect

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@icci you’re right, there are many different perspectives on the changes to the exam, and I didn’t acknowledge those that you mentioned… I’d agree that those are a lot of changes, and our goal at Black Spectacles is to update our practice exams as fast as we can so that you can get some practice in, before you head into the testing environment…


Gotcha. I think in a perfect world, the right side wouldn’t necessarily NEED the rebar on the top portion of the right side of the base. In this example, option B is the best answer, not the perfect answer. I think since you’re able to call out that the rebar on the top, right of the base isn’t needed shows that you have a good mastery of the subject!

@icci Although there are less questions, they are lowering the “passing” threshold to keep the passing rate/difficulty of the exam the same as now. Also for the new digi whiteboard- there should be the possibility to “type” with the keyboard. I still need to watch the NCARB demo but a colleague who saw it told me this was spoken of.

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agreed best of the lot.


Yes it was I was on the first call they had.


Gotcha. I would hazard a guess and classify the building as II-B.

Check out this doc to break down the construction types. I have this printed out and at my work desk, have used it for 3 years now!